Na světě je další fanart od Andyho Poona. Tentokrát se pustil do nového člena týmu Arrow, Ragmana, jehož si velmi oblíbil.
Concept of Ragman for Arrow season 5. I did't know a thing about Ragman when I first worked on him, but he now became one of my favorite character on the show. He is pretty badass with his soul suit that almost acts like Spawn's cape and chains. Costume design by Maya Mani. Ragman/Rory Regan played by Joe Dinicol. @dccomics @cw_arrow #Ragman @joedinicolofficial #costume #concept #illustration #design Fotka zveřejněná uživatelem Andy Poon (@andypoondesign), <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime=„2016–10–27T23:49:56+00:00“>Říj 27, 2016 v 4:49 PDT</time>
Concept of Ragman for Arrow season 5. I did't know a thing about Ragman when I first worked on him, but he now became one of my favorite character on the show. He is pretty badass with his soul suit that almost acts like Spawn's cape and chains. Costume design by Maya Mani. Ragman/Rory Regan played by Joe Dinicol. @dccomics @cw_arrow #Ragman @joedinicolofficial #costume #concept #illustration #design
Fotka zveřejněná uživatelem Andy Poon (@andypoondesign), <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime=„2016–10–27T23:49:56+00:00“>Říj 27, 2016 v 4:49 PDT</time>
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#3 Stardos: Akorát se podobá Prometheovi :D
Rory je hodně velký sympaťák, ihned jsem si ho oblíbil
Moje taky...... zatím :D
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#3 Stardos: Akorát se podobá Prometheovi :D
Rory je hodně velký sympaťák, ihned jsem si ho oblíbil
#4 leagueMoje taky...... zatím :D
Moje nejoblíbenější postava!