No ve většině dílů to tak asi bude, ale myslím že na takovém principu funguje víc detektivních seriálů :D. Ale je pravda že v páté sérii mě málo co překvapilo a vraha jsem uhádla cca po pěti minutách dílu.
Píšu to do spoilerů, protože nikomu nechci kazit zážitek a dokonce jsem se kvůli této myšlence registroval, ale všiml si také někdo, že vrah je skoro pokaždé ten, se kterým Beckettová a Castle mluví jako prvním a nezeptají se ho na alibi? Nejsem si jistý, jak je to u ostatních sérií, ale momentálně u 5.té je to tak 70% šance, že je to on/ona :)
no tak jestli se tam opravdu objeví tohle tak to bude asi nezapomenutelný díl..protože návrat Shawové plus sériový vrah mimo N.Y..v jednom díle zní úplně skvěle a napínavě..:)
někde jsem našla tohle ale těžko říct jestli je to pravda :D Two- parter pitch: Castle and Beckett are called to {Somewhere other than New York} to consult on a new string of serial murders too close to 3×K’s M.O. to be a coincidence. The investigation is being headed by non-other than expert serial killer catcher, FBI Special Agent Jordan Shaw.
Since we didnt get a new episode of Castle this week, can I get some scoop instead? ADAM: Been waiting to see what would happen when Martha Rodgers and Jim Beckett get in a room together? Youll get your chance during November sweeps! Unfortunately, the family affair happens on the same night Castle and Beckett are stranded without their phones while protecting a witness from the mob. „Theres some tension because theyve had the meet the folks dinner and it hasnt gone particularly well,“ creator Andrew W. Marlowe tells us. So, whats the problem? „Its about who Martha is versus who Jim is,“ Marlowe says. „Its a bit of oil and water.“
Ausiello: I know that many of you are fretting over the next episode, slated for Oct. 29 and titled “Probable Cause,” where, as the team investigates the beautiful victim of a ritualistic murder, Beckett begins to wonder how well she really knows her new lover. Well, I can offer two things: One, the empty platitude: “Keep the faith,” and two, the shiny object that is the guest-casting of All My Children alumna Alexa Havins (aka she of the interminable OLTL crossover baby switch storyline, and the equally turgid Torchwood: Miracle Day) as the deceased’s roommate.
Christmas will come early — yet finally! — for ABC’s Castle, which will unwrap its first-ever Yuletide-themed episode on Dec. 3, TVLine has learned. What’s more, we’ve secured exclusive details on the caper that will sprinkle the 12 Precinct’s holiday with something other than cheer. The set-up: When a bearded man in a Santa suit carrying an ID reading “Kris Kringle” falls from the sky in Central Park, Castle, Beckett et al are on the hunt to find the person who killed the jolly gent. But in the course of their snooping, they learn — earmuffs, kids! — that this particular St. Nick may have been more naughty than nice. And yes, somewhere amidst this less-than-merry murder investigation, Castle and Beckett prepare to spend their first Christmas together. The episode title, “Secret Santa,” meanwhile has us wondering: With one member of their crime-fighting clan already wise to the “Caskett” coupling, will it still be concealed from anyone come December?
No ve většině dílů to tak asi bude, ale myslím že na takovém principu funguje víc detektivních seriálů :D. Ale je pravda že v páté sérii mě málo co překvapilo a vraha jsem uhádla cca po pěti minutách dílu.
Píšu to do spoilerů, protože nikomu nechci kazit zážitek a dokonce jsem se kvůli této myšlence registroval, ale všiml si také někdo, že vrah je skoro pokaždé ten, se kterým Beckettová a Castle mluví jako prvním a nezeptají se ho na alibi? Nejsem si jistý, jak je to u ostatních sérií, ale momentálně u 5.té je to tak 70% šance, že je to on/ona :)…1060274.aspx OMG!
sneak peek č. 3…
Konečně vyšli sneak peeks na dlouhoo očekávanou epizodu, na kterou se btw nehorázně těším :D………co-se-stane/
spoiler k únorovým epizodám a máme se na co těšit :)
No to jsem si taky říkala ale těžko uvěřit :D
no tak jestli se tam opravdu objeví tohle tak to bude asi nezapomenutelný díl..protože návrat Shawové plus sériový vrah mimo N.Y..v jednom díle zní úplně skvěle a napínavě..:)
někde jsem našla tohle ale těžko říct jestli je to pravda :D Two- parter pitch: Castle and Beckett are called to {Somewhere other than New York} to consult on a new string of serial murders too close to 3×K’s M.O. to be a coincidence. The investigation is being headed by non-other than expert serial killer catcher, FBI Special Agent Jordan Shaw.……… ááááááááááááááááááááááá sneak peeks na světě !
já budu po celou dobu sledování napnutá jako drát..už aby to bylo..:) a jsem strašně zvědavá na další sneak peeks..:))
A co tepřiv až uvidíme celou epizodu, já u toho dejchat nebudu :D, už aby to bylo, nemůžu se dočkat ^^
musím přiznat že při sledování toho sneak peeku se mi trochu sevřel žaludek…
Since we didnt get a new episode of Castle this week, can I get some scoop instead? ADAM: Been waiting to see what would happen when Martha Rodgers and Jim Beckett get in a room together? Youll get your chance during November sweeps! Unfortunately, the family affair happens on the same night Castle and Beckett are stranded without their phones while protecting a witness from the mob. „Theres some tension because theyve had the meet the folks dinner and it hasnt gone particularly well,“ creator Andrew W. Marlowe tells us. So, whats the problem? „Its about who Martha is versus who Jim is,“ Marlowe says. „Its a bit of oil and water.“…
Konečně je na světě !
Ausiello: I know that many of you are fretting over the next episode, slated for Oct. 29 and titled “Probable Cause,” where, as the team investigates the beautiful victim of a ritualistic murder, Beckett begins to wonder how well she really knows her new lover. Well, I can offer two things: One, the empty platitude: “Keep the faith,” and two, the shiny object that is the guest-casting of All My Children alumna Alexa Havins (aka she of the interminable OLTL crossover baby switch storyline, and the equally turgid Torchwood: Miracle Day) as the deceased’s roommate.
Christmas will come early — yet finally! — for ABC’s Castle, which will unwrap its first-ever Yuletide-themed episode on Dec. 3, TVLine has learned. What’s more, we’ve secured exclusive details on the caper that will sprinkle the 12 Precinct’s holiday with something other than cheer. The set-up: When a bearded man in a Santa suit carrying an ID reading “Kris Kringle” falls from the sky in Central Park, Castle, Beckett et al are on the hunt to find the person who killed the jolly gent. But in the course of their snooping, they learn — earmuffs, kids! — that this particular St. Nick may have been more naughty than nice. And yes, somewhere amidst this less-than-merry murder investigation, Castle and Beckett prepare to spend their first Christmas together. The episode title, “Secret Santa,” meanwhile has us wondering: With one member of their crime-fighting clan already wise to the “Caskett” coupling, will it still be concealed from anyone come December?
Jojo také mi to napadlo :) oh good jak já už chci vidět ten jejich pohled :D Ale myslím si že už se to proflákne tady. x) The best show ever !
to mě taky..:)) já sazím na to že buď v tomhle nebo příštím díle se proflákne že jsou ti dva spolu..:))
Druhý, třetí a čtvrtý sneak peek x) nehorázně mě pobavili.. :D………
první sneak peek:…